Custom Map Art Paper Places

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One of the best things about working with paper and digital cutting machines, is that I can offer really affordable customization. In addition to over 100 already-designed Paper Places, I can create a custom Paper Place of just about any part of the world!

I’ve had the honor of creating some special custom pieces for folks this summer.

A one-of-a-kind map of a special island in South Korea

a framed map of the island of Jeju in South Korea, labeled "Jeju-do"

Islands are one of the most interesting types of geography to make a custom map for! Islands tend to be visually interesting because the boundaries of an island are determined by the environment and not politics. My maps of islands off the coast of Maine and New England have always been popular since they’re such common vacation destinations, and hold a lot of special memories for folks. This island off the coast of South Korea, Jeju, holds special meaning for a family I met at an event this spring. I was excited to make this map at a larger 11×14 frame size so that the details of the coastline really get to shine.

A custom format for South Portland, Maine

a piece of white paper with a map of south portland, Maine cut out to reveal a red background, with a ruler for scale along the left side

Sometimes customization is more about the format than the design. This map of South Portland is the same design as the smaller version I make, but it was commissioned at a larger size to match some other artwork the client already had. I typically work from digital artwork and use a computerized cutting machine to cut the final paper. This piece was too large for my machine, so I figured out how to cut it by hand! I know there’s a long and storied history of folks cutting paper by hand, but this was my first real adventure into that process, and I learned so much. I have so much respect for the artists who can create beautifully intricate paper art by hand.

Heading across the pond to Oxford, England

I met two geography professionals at an event a few weeks ago, and we spent some time nerding out about different map data formats and software. These are things I knew nothing about before I started making maps! My first few custom orders were for cities and towns near me in Boston, MA, and it was reasonably straightforward to find the data I needed. As I’ve fielded requests for more far-flung custom orders I’ve had to learn more about the geographic data world! This map of Oxford, England was a delight to make, and I enjoyed figuring out how to include the River Thames since it’s such an important part of the city.

a picture of a blue map of Oxford, England in a black frame

Commission your own custom map art

Curious about having your own map made? Whether you’re looking for a unique gift, or a way to display a place that is meaningful to you, I can make that happen! If you know exactly what you’re looking for, simply head on over to the Custom Paper Place listing in my shop, choose your options, and I’ll get started right away! I am also happy to answer any questions about the process or the possibilities–feel free to get in touch via the form on my contact page.

Realtors®: Three reasons map art is the best real estate closing gift

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a black frame with a blue map of boston

Every home buying journey is different, and you’ve seen it all. Some houses are easy to move, some clients are easy to please, and sometimes everything is challenging! One way to make sure that your clients feel cared for, and will call you again the next time they need to buy or sell a property, is to make sure you have a solid plan in place to keep them engaged. A core part of that strategy is giving a closing gift that is specific, unique, and that reminds them of you long after all the paperwork is signed and the moving boxes are unpacked. Here are three reasons map art is the best closing gift:

1. Pride of Place

Your client has selected their new home for all sorts of reasons. Of course things like the number of bathrooms and how updated the kitchen is are factors, but most people also really care about their neighborhood amenities and the character of their city or town. Some clients want two bathrooms AND a good school district. Or maybe they’re looking for a dining room AND a quiet back yard to look out on? Some want high ceilings AND access to all the best shops and restaurants right outside.

Gifting artwork that celebrates the location your client has chosen means that you know they’re a fan! You don’t have to guess if they’re into red wine or white wine. Imagine: no more wondering which sports team they’d appreciate tickets to see, which scents they might be allergic to, or whose name they might want engraved.

You already know how they feel about the place they’ve just moved to: they’re thrilled.

someone holding up a framed map of Camberville, MA (Cambridge and Somerville)

2. Top of Mind

Paper Places are framed, custom artwork designed to be displayed. You can be fairly confident that your gift will be hung on a wall or styled on a bookshelf, because that’s what it’s designed to do. It won’t be eaten, used up, or stashed in a cabinet somewhere for special occasions.

A gift that remains visible in the home is a gift that keeps you top of mind whenever the subject of real estate comes up. This is true whether it’s friends they might refer to you or their own future real estate needs. When they remember that your contact information is conveniently included on the back of the frame, the deal is sealed.

Imagine your client saying “Thanks! My Realtor® gave it to me!” every time they have guests over who compliment the Paper Place hanging in their beautiful new kitchen. Now that is the best closing gift!

A framed gray and white map of Florence, AL on a white mantle

3. The Feel-Good Factor

Each Paper Place is crafted, customized, and framed by hand in Arlington, MA. Your purchase directly supports a small, woman-owned business. As an independent artist, I am able to offer a range of customization and done-for-you gifting options so that you have less to worry about.

Your client will feel cared for and known because of the thoughtfulness of your gift, but they also know that you care about local economies and small businesses. Shopping small also means that you receive the kind of personalized, responsive service that you offer your clients every day. 

a shelf with some plants and paper places map art on it

Artist Abigail McMurray holding a coffee cup in front of a computer

Hi, I’m Abigail! I created Paper Places as a way to celebrate the shapes of the places we live and the places we love. Sometimes those are the same, and sometimes they’re different! Every place is special to someone and I try to honor that. 

You can customize Paper Places in various ways: add a place marker (or markers) to highlight specific locations, or request a custom Paper Place of a town, city, lake, river, or other area. Anything is possible: I can also combine multiple locations, or show how different places are connected.

Get a coupon for free shipping on your first Paper Places order, and receive a quarterly email with gifting tips and inspiration. Unsubscribe at any time.

Get in touch with Abigail for more details on done-for-you gifting, bulk discounts, customization options, etc.